Poutziouris Law Firm is the business name for an international legal practice carried on by Christos Poutziouris & Associates LLC. Accordingly references in the Legal Notices and elsewhere on this website to “Poutziouris Law Firm” means Christos Poutziouris & Associates LLP and the other partnerships and affiliated firms or entities authorised to carry the name “Poutziouris Law Firm” or one or more of those affiliated firms or entities as the context requires.
Company registration number: 324777
Tax Identification Code (TIC): 10324777X
All lawyers in Christos Poutziouris & Associates are registered with the Cyprus Bar Association, which regulates the legal profession in Cyprus.
Please visit the website of the Cyprus Bar Association for further details, and in particular the code of conduct which lawyers are required to observe.
- Poutziouris Law Firm offers Corporate & Fiduciary services.
- Poutziouris Law Firm became a member of the Movement against the pending Law on Bank Foreclosures
- New Cyprus Immigration Laws promote property investment on the island.
- Poutziouris Law Firm overturned the conviction of Dimitris Kyriakou in criminal appeal 15/2013
Contact us
Poutziouris Law Firm
Archbishop Makariou III,
No. 9 Lazaros Center,
Block A, Offices 11 & 12,
6017 Larnaca, Cyprus
Phone: +357 24 660 130
Fax: + 357 24 660 030